A Nourishing Day of Reflection & Renewal
February 2nd, 11am-6pm $300
Register Below
The Intention:
Winter is the time to go inward, reflect, and nurture the death and rebirth process that is naturally occurring in this cycle of our life, yet this can be really challenging to truly honour as we don't typically structure our lives in a cyclical nature, and continue to operate as we usually would, yet now with the heavier weight of the winter energy, unprocessed. This can feel like burnout, seasonal depression, stress, over exhaustion, or a sense of feeling disconnected.
This day is created for you to receive gentle clearing, and to process the heaviness of the winter and whatever stressors may be in your space. As well as a reconnection to come back to your Self and body to feel rejuvenated and reset. Allowing you to continue the rest of Winter with more capacity and a sense of ease, lightness, and clarity.
It's important to have check-ins with ourself in intentional ways to prevent burnout, overwhelm, and stress, to be able to feel more grounded and balanced in our lives.
Join us to book your winter check in now, your future self will be glad you did.
The Day will include:​​​
The Opening 11am -12pm
Opening Circle & optional small circle sharing to share your struggles during this time.
The Clearing 12 - 2pm
1 hour Gong Sound Healing to be taken on a journey to allow the body to clear, lift the mental noise, release stagnant energy or grief, stress, sadness, anger, worry, etc...
Water Limpia, a ceremony for clearing with herbal infused water, gently washing over your body. And completed with a Guided Self Massage to come back to the body in a gentle nourishing way in the new relaxed and cleared energy.
Lunch & Reflection 2 - 3pm
You will be served a nourishing warm home made soup while invited to go inward and reflect on your journey with journal prompts given.
Integration 3 - 5pm
Mirror Work Meditation and Cacao Ceremony to fully integrate the clearing and the version of you, you are reconnecting to.
After we clear old stagnant energy or energy that was taking up space in our mind or body, we are creating space to allow the version of us we want to feel.
You will be guided through a beautiful Mirror Work practice of coming back to your true essence, and reconnecting or meeting her for the first time, and truly seeing through your own eyes this version in you. After this, you will be served cacao, to bring in love and grounding into the heart and body, and will be invited to join in a Sacred Dance that is self lead, to truly be with this version of you in your body, feel her in your body through dance and movement to welcome, celebrate, and integrate this version of you, leaving you feeling reset and back to you again.
Closing 5 - 6pm
With snacks, cozy blankets and pillows, and a refreshed sense of being, we will take our time sharing anything that wants to be shared, and just simply enjoy the space before heading home.